
This list of forms was originally published on (no longer online).
Fu's tai chi System
Tai chi ch'uan **
Tai chi push hands
Tai chi lightning palm
Tai chi lightning fist
Pa Kwa Chang (Baguazhang) forms
Yin pa kwa (emphasizes the soft)
Yang pa kwa (emphasizes the hard)
Pa kwa dragon palm
Pa kwa linking legs
Pa kwa linking legs (2 person set)
Pa kwa dragon palm push hands
Weapon forms
Seven star sword
Wu Tang flying dragon sword
Wu Tang random chop sword
Green dragon double sword
Pa kwa broadsword
Pa kwa cyclone broadsword
Pa kwa double broadsword
Pa kwa green dragon sword
"Kill enemy" broadsword
Green dragon broadsword
Pa kwa spear
Pa kwa double head spear
Pa kwa push spear
Four side spear
Plum flower spear
Stand immortal spear
Pa kwa special gate staff
Two joint staff
Three joint staff
Head height staff
Fu's other forms
Chung fung ch'uan (Attack Fist)
Immortal palm
Liang yi ch'uan (Yin Yang Boxing)
Ssu hsiang ch'uan (4 Emblem Fist)
H'sing yi ch'uan - linking form (links the 5 elements and 12 animals forms)
Gong li ch'uan
Tiger ch'uan
Leopard ch'uan
Ba ji ch'uan
Example of a pa kwa curriculum : curriculm.bmp
** Fu Chen Sung also taught Sun style and Yang style tai chi, to compliment the forms he devised. Although he knew Chen style, he did not normally teach it. Fu style tai chi uses Yang style as a base, and containing elements of Yang, Chen, and Sun styles of tai chi, as well as pa kwa, with movements balanced on left and right.